Professor Harassed Asian Students With Racist Messages and Loses Her Job

March 27, 2020

This story was exposed by Sherrie Shaw, whose son-in-law is Chinese and was made aware of these racist messages sent by Kathryn Ralph, Ph.D. to other Chinese students. Kathryn Ralph held a position at Heterodox Academy, located in New York. The saved messages Sherrie was able to obtain are horrendous, to say the least.

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Sherrie reported the incident along with the proof and the school immediately investigated the incident and fired Professor Ralph. Sherrie Facebooked the email she received from Heterodox Academy:

Heterodox academy learned this week that an HxA employee had made statements on social media that expressed contempt towards Chinese people and culture, particularly regarding the current Coronavirus pandemic.

As an organization that champions responsible discourse in constructive disagreement, we promptly reviewed the posts and determined they clearly fail to exhibit the constructive, respectful engagement we expect of our employees and our members. The statements also violate our standards of conduct. Our working relationship with the individual involved has been terminated.



Thank you, everyone, for your help. Sherrie

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  1. Can we be nice to each others. I am not Chinese, but I believe that not all Chinese share the same culture and practice as what we see in Wuhan. Those are here are Americans. We are in the same boat so blaming each others doesn’t serve any good purpose, but segregation only. We should blame Chinese government for acting to little and too late to inform the rest of the world.

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