Asian Owned Business Hit Twice in Two Days by Looters

June 8, 2020

The GoFundMe page link is at the bottom of this article.

Nice Beauty Supplies located at 702-704 North Tucker Blvd. St Louis, MO 63101 was hit twice last week during the peak of the riots. The beauty supply store was initially broken into on May 31 and looters were able to make off with a substantial amount of merchandise.

The next day, the owners and building management were able to board up all the windows and doors with plywood. Well, that same night, June 1, looters and vandals returned, broke through the plywood, and stole most of the remaining merchandise. But this time around, they decided to set fire to the store as well, which then activated the sprinkler system. Basically, what few merchandise remained is useless and unsellable because of smoke/fire/water damage.

A GoFundMe page was set up by a family member named Joo Lim. “For those that know me, I normally am not one to post much on social media about family matters or my life in general,” stated Lim.

Her story is like so many other stories we’ve posted about the last week. Hardworking immigrants who arrive in the United States and work inhumane long hours to make it in life. Not asking for a handout, not asking for special treatment. They’re here to work, be free, pay their taxes, and build a better future for their family in the land of opportunity.

“My family and I had never imagined such things to happen to us, and so honestly we had never set a high insurance rate to cover everything. As of now, we are in a significant net loss and this fundraiser is to assist damages done in the store as well as items to be purchased to restore the store. I would never ask for help from my peers if I knew we could recuperate the costs on our own. I contemplated on reaching out for help and creating this page for a long week, but after seeing the considerable damage done to our store, I decided to create the page.”

Lim continues saying “Being immigrants that have come into the United States to achieve the American dream, it breaks my heart to see what my family worked so hard for the past 20+ years to vanish in just two days. While I had the privilege of taking vacations, my two aunts, uncle, and mom have pretty much worked everyday since they came into the United States to support me and my cousin. They barely rested on holidays, working long hours to send my cousin and I to college and bring me to where I am in life now.”

“As in relations to the protests/riots/looting, I truly do understand why people had to do such things. While sometimes helping out in the store, I have had the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people that have supported my family’s business over the past years. Without them, we would be absolutely nothing. I firmly hope that these protests will help enhance everyone’s views on how all lives matter, no matter what color, age, or gender. My heart goes out to George Floyd and his beloved family.”

Any donation will be of great help. Thank you so much for reading this and please share this post if you can.

You will find the GoFundMe page by clicking HERE

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