OC Restaurant Allegedly Charging Asians $1,500 for a Table While Caucasian Patrons Sit For Free

June 22, 2020

A Huntington Beach restaurant named Tanner’s is allegedly charging Asian patrons up to $1,500 for a table, while Caucasian patrons are sitting down for free and only paying for drinks they ordered accordingly.

A follower reached out to Asian Dawn and explained “If you read comments my friends (asian males) got charged $1,500 while the table next to them who were white got charged just a round of drinks.”

Basically, the Asian table didn’t mind paying for the $1,500 premium table. What they did mind was within a few minutes they changed tables because of sun exposure and the Caucasian party who then took their place was charged nothing; only the drinks they purchased. If the laws of supply-and-demand are true, how busy is this restaurant, that two separate groups entering the premium section within 5-10 minutes of each other, get charged such a disproportionate amount?

Image via Yelp

Multiple Instagram users lambasted Tanner’s on their posts.

One supposed friend of a patron commented on their Instagram page: “Heard your [sic] about your racist policies. Up charging minorities patrons $1,500 just to sit down while the white patrons sit for nothing? For shame, cheers to your demise.”

Image via Instagram

Another Instagram user wrote “it’s a crucial time and you guys are doing dumb a*s sh*t smh.”

Image via Instagram

Other Instagram users weighed in “I’m here charging 1k in Hollywood to get a table at my club. @tannershb get your sh*t together before you guys get a bad name specially YOU guys run of a minimum of 500$ to get a table. YOU AINT HOLLYWOOD AND WILL NEVER BE.”

Image via Instagram

If these allegations are true, one might want to stay clear of Tanner’s to avoid that $1,500 table if you’re not Caucasian.

Tanner’s has since issued a statement about our story via Instagram

Image via @tannershb

However, Tanner’s statement was quickly rebuked by witnesses, also via Instagram

Image via @tannershb

Feature Image via @tannershb

  1. Tanner’s HB is run by a huge conglomerate:

    Pacific Hospitality Group:
    2532 Dupont Drive
    Irvine, CA 92612-1524

    I don’t see them doing this, so can anyone actually confirm this story? It sounds like one single experience, and we don’t even have the full details such as: We Asians are cheap as hell and wouldn’t have agreed to a $1500 charge for seating to begin with, so how did that end up on a bill? Police would have been called from the confrontation.

    Things don’t add up here.

  2. I’m not surprised. My friends and I experienced something similar where we had to pay a minimum awhile back at Tanner’s. We didn’t know that non Asians weren’t charge a minimum. It kind of all makes sense now. The place was pretty empty and it didn’t appear others were ordering as many drinks as our table.

  3. a bunch of cheap-ass Asian playing the race card because they want to pretend they “ballers” . make the rest of us look bad.

  4. Check out Joey’s review of Tanner’s written on yelp 4 months ago on 2/16. Chris the manager just replying to Joey’s review with a Fake Thank You now, 4 months later? Genuine or Convenience? Or Fraud… trying to surface the good reviews with his fake ingenious thank you replies 4 months later trying to bury the recent racist reviews? Ugh…. Tanner disgust me! They’re making thing worst, they’re just now replying to old reviews making them even more disingenuous!


  5. I know this is completely anecdotal but six months ago, I was at the bar with some friends enjoying some drinks and had to go to the bathroom. On my way to the restroom, I heard a waiter talk to another waiter saying, “Yeah one sec I gotta bring these to the gook table.” I’m Asian and I am use to racism in HB so I didn’t really care

    I’m sure there are racist people working everywhere. Not just Tanner’s. Just a couple of bad apples stood out that night. But imagine having to get use to racism and putting your head down your whole life. It’s just not cool. That’s all.

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