June 22, 2020
A Huntington Beach restaurant named Tanner’s is allegedly charging Asian patrons up to $1,500 for a table, while Caucasian patrons are sitting down for free and only paying for drinks they ordered accordingly.
A follower reached out to Asian Dawn and explained “If you read comments my friends (asian males) got charged $1,500 while the table next to them who were white got charged just a round of drinks.”
Basically, the Asian table didn’t mind paying for the $1,500 premium table. What they did mind was within a few minutes they changed tables because of sun exposure and the Caucasian party who then took their place was charged nothing; only the drinks they purchased. If the laws of supply-and-demand are true, how busy is this restaurant, that two separate groups entering the premium section within 5-10 minutes of each other, get charged such a disproportionate amount?
Multiple Instagram users lambasted Tanner’s on their posts.
One supposed friend of a patron commented on their Instagram page: “Heard your [sic] about your racist policies. Up charging minorities patrons $1,500 just to sit down while the white patrons sit for nothing? For shame, cheers to your demise.”
Another Instagram user wrote “it’s a crucial time and you guys are doing dumb a*s sh*t smh.”
Other Instagram users weighed in “I’m here charging 1k in Hollywood to get a table at my club. @tannershb get your sh*t together before you guys get a bad name specially YOU guys run of a minimum of 500$ to get a table. YOU AINT HOLLYWOOD AND WILL NEVER BE.”
If these allegations are true, one might want to stay clear of Tanner’s to avoid that $1,500 table if you’re not Caucasian.
Tanner’s has since issued a statement about our story via Instagram
However, Tanner’s statement was quickly rebuked by witnesses, also via Instagram
Feature Image via @tannershb