Two Teens Arrested in Downtown LA Stabbing Death

October 3, 2022

LOS ANGELES, CA—A 17-year-old Latino boy and a 17-year-old Caucasian girl were taken into custody Sunday for the stabbing death of a 56-year-old Asian-American storeowner in downtown Los Angeles.

The 56-year-old victim was later identified as Du Lee.

The stabbing was called in at around 1:16 p.m. Saturday at Wall Street and Olympic Boulevard, according to Officer Matthew Cruz of the LAPD.

Two 17-year-old suspects apprehended on Sunday

Responding officers found Lee unconscious and not breathing. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

An initial investigation revealed the victim was involved in a physical altercation with two suspects over stolen property.
Footage of the 17-year-old suspect after murdering Lee

“The male suspect produced a knife and stabbed the victim multiple times,” Cruz said.

No further detail is available. Reports are coming in of a possible second victim that may be related.

Feature Screenshot via Street People of Los Angeles

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