Woman Shot to Death in Her Car in St. Louis During Carjacking

February 1, 2023

ST. LOUIS, MO—Multiple “teens” have been arrested after the suspected group allegedly committed eight carjackings, two ATM robberies, and a murder all within a span of 48 hours.

Kay Johnson, 38, was driving her Honda Civic into her garage on Compton Avenue in the Mount Pleasant neighborhood on St. Louis’ south side, when a bullet hit her in the face, killing her just before 7 p.m. on Tuesday.

Johnson’s 14-year-old daughter was sitting in the front seat of their car and watched her mom die, according to KSDK5.

St. Louis police believe Johnson was just one of several victims in a string of attempted carjackings in the city.

Police arrested 16, 17, and 18-year-old suspects connected to the Johnson murder and a series of crimes throughout the city.

“These young people represent a sea of young people who are caught up in the same lifestyle,” James Clark, the public safety director for the Metropolitan Urban League of St. Louis, said.

According to the Daily Kenn, the 18-year-old was identified as Cameron Brown, who is African-American. It is believed the two underage teens are also African-American.

Johnson’s father, who lives in Tennessee, says the apprehension of the suspects has brought some relief for him and Kay’s two older siblings.

St. Louis has an African-American population of 46.7% and is considered to be one of the most dangerous cities in the United States. Approximately 20 violent crimes occur per 1,000 residents, according to Travelers World Wide.

Detectives are asking anyone with information about Johnson’s murder to call St. Louis police or CrimeStoppers.

Feature Images via KSDK5 & FOX2

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